
Any written document has more impact when checked by trained eyes for spelling, grammar and style.

In order to provide you with a sound estimate, we kindly ask that you let us know the exact number of pages and words as well as the subject matter. If possible, submit a short excerpt of your text, which we will of course keep strictly confidential.

  • Bachelor's, master's and diploma theses
  • Books, articles and other publications
  • Advertising texts
  • Periodicals
  • Letters and other important documents
  • ...and much more!

Give your text more impact through proofreading

To have comprehensive texts like, e.g. books, term papers, master, bachelor and diploma theses proofread or edited is the icing on the cake of the contents prepared by you.

Your proofreading service

With professional editing or proofreading, you can be sure that everything is correct in terms of content as well as spelling mistakes, punctuation, sentence structure and grammar. We all know that despite using spell-check and reading through the document several times, mistakes can still creep in here and there.

This is due to the fact that the author or writer, who has intensively studied the text and its content during its creation, is often “too close to the text” to notice such major or minor slip-ups. However, even if the content of your paper is convincing, these aspects also carry weight and leave a reader with the impression that work has not been done diligently enough or unprofessionally.

This is where the trained eye of Sprachen Koll’s proofreaders and editors comes into play. They will put your text through its paces from an unbiased perspective and with the appropriate professional background. This way, you can be sure that everything is truly perfect when you submit your work or manuscript.

Having your bachelor, master’s and other theses professionally proofread

Whether you have written your term paper in English and would like to have it proofread by an experienced native speaker who will ensure that the technical terms and the meaning of the text are also understood in the respective target language or whether you would like to put the finishing touches to your master’s thesis written in French, Sprachen Koll is your partner. As a translation agency, we offer to proofread and edit every language.

Is there a difference between proofreading and editing? And if so, what does it consist of?

Although these two terms are often treated as if they were interchangeable and describe the same action, there is a difference between “simple” proofreading and editing.

Proofreading is primarily concerning spelling, punctuation, or syntax/grammar errors. It does not matter whether it is a translation or a monolingual text that needs to be proofread.

In editing, the editors look at the written text – be it the target text of a translation or a monolingual text – from the client’s perspective. Is the text fluent and comprehensible to read, is the linguistic and technical content correct? Editing can, therefore, also be seen as a quality assurance process that encompasses several aspects. Finally, the editor also gives advice and feedback to the author if the text has deficiencies in thought, content, or language that go beyond proofreading.

Proofreading for all languages

Sprachen Koll only uses qualified specialist translators. Why is editing or proofreading translations still recommended?

The preparation of a translation is a very complex process in which the translators have to concentrate entirely on the content and usually work under a certain time pressure. A comma may be overlooked, or a grammatical or spelling error has crept in due to the repeated rephrasing of a sentence. That is why we at Sprachen Koll always work according to the 4-eyes-principle, i.e. the translation is always proofread by another specialist translator. Especially with very voluminous translations, it is often difficult for translators to proofread their own work because a certain “operational blindness” can sneak in.

If the client requests additional editing, further aspects, such as the comprehensibility of the text or the linguistic and technical content, are evaluated from the target audience’s perspective and, if necessary, corrected or adapted.

How long does it take to proofread a text (e.g. a bachelor thesis)?

The time required depends on the volume and the specialist subject. Sprachen Koll will always endeavour to proofread or edit promptly and according to your requirements and needs.

Costs of proofreading

Please get in touch with us to receive your non-binding offer.

Contact us online now!

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Währinger Straße 168 / Top 3
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Mag. Sandra Robitsch - Court-sworn interpreter and translator


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